07 December 2022 21:00 09 December 2022 17:00

Northern Access Road
New Delhi 110037



Stamicarbon attendees:
Nitin Joshi
Freddy Buitink
Shem Varghese
Gust Roozen
Milo Stalman
Henri Smolenaers
Utkarsh Srivastava
More information

The world is facing unprecedented crisis of food and fuel in recent months. First, the century’s worst public health crisis affected various economic activities including supply chain and geopolitical conflict made the situation worse. The world is more integrated economically today and hence the recent developments have affected all nations. World is also facing serious problems arising out of climate change. Various nations, including India, made commitment in COP Summit at Paris and more recently at Glasgow to reduce carbon emission progressively and finally to achieve net zero emission.

This year’s Seminar is dedicated to the theme ‘Fertilizer Sector by 2030’. The Seminar will help us to asses the progress of developments worldwide in the area of green energy and green fertilizers and how Indian Fertilizer sector can adapt in consonance with wider national and global goals of climate change and ‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat’.